Building a Career in Artificial Intelligence
Future Prospects
What is the future of our world ?
The world has entered the 4th Industrial Revolution. And unlike the previous three Industrial Revolutions – this revolution is a blend of nano-info-eco-bio technologies that together hold the potential to redefine Humanity and the way the Human Race sees itself and interacts with civilisation.
What is the role of Artificial Intelligence ?
Artificial Intelligence when fully developed will be smarter than the smartest human alive. This means that this one technology holds the potential to redefine and re-create human behaviour and experience on a scale previously unknown in history. Artificial Intelligence will permeate almost all aspects of life and civilisation and change our very nature of what constitutes ‘reality’.
Why AI ? How is it different from other technologies?
AI is not just another evolution in technology, it is a radical transition from the human to the digital world. For the first time in our long human history, machines are developing the ability to think, act and behave (produce output) independently of human beings; performing the tasks better than we can. AI is the first technology that will take power away from human beings and this singular unique feature of AI makes it radically different from the technologies that have preceded it.
What will the future jobs be like ?
The future job and work space will be dominated by autonomous digitisation with AI taking the lead. The nature of jobs will change with data analytics and data mining becoming central to most businesses and industry. Thus future jobs will have a digital and technological component to them in almost all sectors.
What are the career prospects in AI ?
Artificial Intelligence will be the focal technology of the future. Every industry and sector will have an AI component to it and thus career prospects in this field are extremely promising . It is a certainty that foundational knowledge of computers and digitisation of work will be a prerequisite in the coming time. Hence professionals who can bring AI Knowledge and know-how to the table will be highly sought after.
What are the benefits of learning AI ?
AI and data science are the future of work. Learning artificial intelligence today helps secure a promising future tomorrow. Professionals who are AI savvy will have a huge industry edge over their peers when it comes to getting highly skilled jobs and work. The Industry is changing. Within a span of the next 5 years, AI and data science will be the industry standard. Thus this is the field to learn about now.
National AI Mission
Govt. of India is rapidly investing in an Artificial Intelligence based Future
on Artificial Intelligence, Armed Conflict and International Humanitarian Law
Get certified and learn from dynamic international experts in artificial intelligence
Special Workshop on how to build a career in artificial intelligence
AI for
Exclusive training for journalists on use of AI for media professionals
AI Seminar
AI Training and Introduction for students, professionals
AI Interaction
AI for Bharat at India Mobile Congress for students
Digital Disruption of AI is Visible
The next disruption is Robots and Drones – in the physical world